Section: Dissemination

Collective Duties

P. Cointe:  He is the head of the LINA computer science laboratory (UMR 6241) http://www.lina.univ-nantes.fr/ . As such he was involved in the CominLabs (labex) proposal.

He is a member of the board of the Doctoral School MATISSE in Rennes as well as the selection and evaluation committee and the board of the cluster Images & Réseaux. He is the chair of the STIC-MATHS committee working for the Pays de la Loire Council (CCRRDT) and the PRES L'UNAM.

T. Ledoux: He is a member of the board of the Regional Doctoral School STIM. He is a member of the board of the Follow-up committee of the PhD theses at LINA. He is a member of the administrative committee of the INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique. Finally, he is the Apprenticeship program manager in Software engineering at Ecole des Mines de Nantes.

J.-M. Menaud is the deputy of the computer science department at Ecole des Mines de Nantes, in charge of the scholarship program.

M. Südholt:  is a member of the council of the Laboratoire Informatique de Nantes Atlantique (LINA, UMR 6241). He also serves on the selection and evaluation committee of the competitiveness cluster Images & Réseaux. Finally, he is a member of the governing board of AOSD-Europe, the European Network of Excellence in AOSD.

A. Lèbre is involved in the direction committee of the Grid'5000/Aladdin platform. In addition, He is in charge of the Virtualization working group since 2008.